On 6 Sep., 04:11, "Joel Birch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Erick,
> To reduce the height of the menu, simply reduce the amount of top and
> bottom padding on the anchor elements.
> Your text colour problem is a little more complicated to do
> cross-browser as the CSS cascade makes things tricky. The declaration
> you need to override is this one:
> .sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited  { /* visited pseudo selector so IE6
> applies text colour*/
>    color:            #FFF;
> }
> so the first idea would be to add to the selectors for the rule you
> use to describe the hover styles, like this:
> .sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover,
> .sf-menu li:hover a, sf-menu li.sfHover a,    /* <--- ADDED THESE*/
> .sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu a:hover, .sf-menu a:active {
>    background:        #FFF;
>    outline:        0;
>    color:            #D1001A;
> }
> This will override the link's colour, but will probably also affect
> links in the nested submenu. This could be avoided by using the >
> operator in our new selector, but that wouldn't fix the issue for IE6
> unfortunately. So the next thing to do might be to reset the colour
> for deeper nested links like so:
> .sf-menu li:hover li a, sf-menu li.sfHover li a {    /* <--- ADDED AN
>    color:            #FFF;
> }
> Again, we may run into another problem because this new rule might
> override the hover styles set above, so the final solution could add
> an ID selector to each of the link pseudo styles in order to make sure
> they always get priority. Here is the final proposed solution:
> /* FINAL CODE: */
> .sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover,
> .sf-menu li:hover a, sf-menu li.sfHover a,    /* <--- ADDED THESE*/
> #someID .sf-menu a:focus, #someID .sf-menu a:hover, #someID .sf-menu
> a:active {    /* <--- ADDED IDs */
>    background:        #FFF;
>    outline:        0;
>    color:            #D1001A;}
> .sf-menu li:hover li a, sf-menu li.sfHover li a {    /* <--- ADDED AN
>    color:            #FFF;
> }
> It's hard to be certain what the answer is without being able to test
> the ideas on your menu so I may have overlooked things, but hopefully
> this gives you some ideas.
> Joel Birch.

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