> I have made a website (www.outback-encounter.com) where I am using the
> JQuery cycle code for the rotating images in the header, and the
> problem is that the images load first and fill up the screen before
> the javascript function loads which then puts them all together into
> the slideshow header. You can often see this by going to any new page
> or reload the existing one. It is not so much a problem in Google
> Chrome browser since it handles javascript much faster, but standard
> browsers show the header images all across the screen the first second
> of the page load quite frequently. I am not sure how I can improve on
> how the page loads, but would very much appreciate any feedback that
> could help. I am using the compressed cycle .js file which is only
> 3.8kb. Thanks for any help you can give!

You can fix that with CSS.  Set the position on the slide container to
relative, and the position on the slides to absolute, with the top and
left style set to zero.  That should fix the positioning problem but
will probably leave the last slide on top (when you want the first
slide on top).   You could then set display:none on each slide and use
a display:block inline style for the first slide.


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