The first solution that comes to my mind is to have the container for
the menu cover the user's image completely, sized & with the actual
menu content positioned such that the menu appears wherever you want
it without obscuring the image.

Then change the handlers so you make the menu visible on mousover of
the image, and hide it on mouseout of the menu.  That avoids the
"double trigger" problem you have currently.

Alternatively you can have the mouseover function for the image
dynamically bind a mouseover function to all other DOM elements
(except for the menu).  That new mouseover function would hide the
menu again, and then un-bind itself.

On Sep 8, 3:00 pm, Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi I would like to know wht this trigger can do??
> I have a image over function which is attached to the users image and
> also the menu table.
> The menu table supposed to fade in when the mouse if over the users
> image but I want and if statement so that if the mouse is off the
> users image and the mouse is not on the menu then fade the menu out
> else keep showing the menu.
> The problem I have right now is that I have image over function I
> attached to the users image and also the menu that fades in.
> so when the mouse goes over the menu it would fade out and then fade
> back up looks very ugly.
> Should I use this trigger event???

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