ok my problem is that I have the user upload a image file this image
file on the page is a picture of them.

What I want to do is when the mouse is over the image I want to fade
in a menu this menu would contain buttons for editing the which photo
to show and many other things about the image.

the problem I run into is I seek a if statement. I want the mouse over
the image to when going off meaning mouseout I want to fade out the
menu only if the mouse is not on the menu.

If I just put a mouseover and a mouseout on this image it would fade
in the menu and when you try to put the mouse on the menu it would
fade out.

SO  I just made the mouseover and mouseout for both the menu and the
persons image.
This caused a bad effect. When you put the  mouse over the persons
image it would fade in the menu and when you go off the image to go on
the menu the menu would fade out and then fade back in.

I want it in a way where when  my mouse leaves the persons image that
if the mouse is on the menu it would fade out at all and only fade out
only if the mouse is not on the persons image or the menu.

How can I do this ??? can you give an example???

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