> > I'm using the jQuery Form PlugIn(http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/)
> > to handle my Forms. I like it, but I have a question about an
> > improvment:
> > At this time all form fields are send using post, but it wold be nice,
> > to send all form fields json encoded as one post parameter.
> > Is there a way to do this?
> I still searching for a solution for this...
> Hope, the developer is reading here :-)
> Greetings,
> Stefan Sturm

It's not supported by the plugin, but you can hook the beforeSubmit
event and change what is posted to the server.  beforeSubmit is passed
an array of objects with name and value properties.  You could iterate
over these, build your json string, and then replace the array
contents with a single object that has name and value properties,
where the value prop is the json string.



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