I assume that you can do the cross-domain Ajax call because this runs in the
browser chrome, is that right? If the Ajax call fails, then of course you
won't get very far.

Past that, I would take the code that is failing and break it down to see
what data you have at each step:

jQuery("textarea:first", ajdata).val()

What's in ajdata? Is it what you expect?

If it is, then what does jQuery('textarea:first',ajdata) return? A jQuery
object, no doubt, but how many elements? What's in that object's .length and

BTW I would probably code it this way instead:


I think that's a lot more clear than the (selector,context) notation. It
should do about the same thing internally, so if the original code didn't
work, I wouldn't expect this to work either - but you could try it and see.

If it didn't work, my debugging breakdown would be:

  typeof ajdata


> Sure thing.
> Here is the whole ubiquity (http://labs.mozilla.com/2008/08/
> introducing-ubiquity/) command in its current form.  The 
> relevant section is at the end.
> CmdUtils.CreateCommand({
>   name: "tag-cloud",
>   takes: {body_of_text: noun_arb_text},
>   description: "Replaces selected text with a frequency-based 
> tag cloud.",
>   preview: "Creates a tag cloud out of selected text.",
>   execute: function(statusText) {
>     if(statusText.text.length < 100) {
>       displayMessage("You probably want to selecet more text 
> to make a decent cloud");
>       return;
>     };
>     var updateUrl = "http://tagcrowd.com/index.pl";;
>     var updateParams = {
>               name: "tagcrowd",
>               text: statusText.text,
>               doStemming: "yes"
>     };
>     jQuery.post(updateUrl, updateParams, function(ajdata) {
>               displayMessage(jQuery("textarea:first", ajdata).val());
>               },
>               "html");
>               }
> });
> The page I'm POST-ing to, and getting the contents of is:
> http://tagcrowd.com/index.pl
> Basically I just want to use a selector on that returned 
> page, but passing it in as the context doesn't seem to work . 
> . .or I'm doing it wrong.
> Thanks. :)
> On Sep 7, 6:13 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can you post a link to a test page that illustrates what 
> you're trying 
> > to do and what isn't working? It's pretty hard to tell what 
> might be 
> > wrong without seeing things like the HTML that the $.post() returns.
> >
> > -Mike
> >
> >
> > > I'm having trouble using a subsequent selector on an HTML page 
> > > returned from $.post, while trying to write a Ubiquity command.
> >
> > > If I log or display ajdata, as returned from the $.post, 
> it contains 
> > > the HTML page, as expected, and shows up as a jQuery object in 
> > > Firebug.
> >
> > > What I want to do is use a jQuery selector to extract a named 
> > > textarea within the returned HTML, so I plug in the object as the 
> > > context and provide a selector, as below:
> >
> > > jQuery.post(updateUrl, updateParams, function(ajdata) {
> >
> > > CmdUtils.log(jQuery("textarea[name=cloudsource]",
> > > ajdata).val()) },  "html");
> >
> > > Firebug just gives me "unknown" for the response.  If I 
> remove the 
> > > slector, and just pass "ajdata" to CmdUtils.log, then I 
> see a jQuery 
> > > object in Firebug.
> >
> > > At first I thought my selector was in error, but even 
> changing it to 
> > > obvious things like "body", "div", etc produced the same 
> "undefined"
> > > in Firebug, so I guess I'm misunderstanding how context works for 
> > > jQuery.  Any insight would be appreciated.

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