Update: this only worked the first time the tooltip came up.  After I
closed it and opened it again, the body of the tooltip was empty.  I'm
still looking into another way around this.  I've seen other posts
referencing a quick .mouseout, .mouseover sequence.  Maybe this is the
solution?  Anyone have any thoughts?

On Sep 9, 2:06 pm, Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all -
> I downloaded and used Karl Swedberg's (ofwww.learningjquery.com)
> excellent clueTip plugin.  The scenario under which I used it led me
> to identify a small issue that I believe was a design decision by Karl
> but that behaved differently than I expected it to and, as such, made
> me spend a couple hours figuring it out.
> I was listing a bunch of products on a page for the company I work for
> and, when you clicked on a picture of the product, a tooltip was to
> come up listing some of its information as well as containing some
> links that allowed you to edit some of the content in there.  So in
> the tooltip, which was local and sticky, there were some links with
> onclick events that manipulated some of the DOM elements in that same
> tooltip.  The onclick events were firing, and the DOM appeared to be
> affected when I logged the objects using firebug's console.log API,
> but no difference appeared on the screen.
> After some frustration, thinking my JavaScript was the culprit, I
> noticed that if I clicked a part of the tooltip that incited a change,
> closed the tooltip, then clicked the picture of the product again, the
> tooltip that came up on that second click would show the DOM
> differences.  Upon further investigation and the suggestion of my
> coworker, I searched in the source code and noticed that when a
> tooltip is opened and has local content, that element is cloned
> using .clone(true), which meant that when I selected the tooltip using
> '#tooltip_id', it was actually selected the original, not the cloned
> one.  I tried passing through a reference to the cloned element using
> the 'this' keyword in the onclick attribute, which worked but failed
> to redraw the dropshadows on the tooltip for some reason.
> For this reason I edited the source code to read
> [code]
> var localCluetip = $.fn.wrapInner ? $localContent.wrapInner('<div></
> div>').children() : $localContent.html();
> [/code]
> rather than the original
> [code]
> var localCluetip = $.fn.wrapInner ? $localContent.wrapInner('<div></
> div>').children().clone(true) : $localContent.html();
> [/code]
> Many thanks to Karl for this plugin, which I will continue to use.

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