Notice in superfish.css, this rule:

.sf-menu li:hover ul,
.sf-menu li.sfHover ul {
        left:                   0;
        top:                    2.5em; /* match top ul list item height */
        z-index:                99;

The "top" property dictates where the top of the first submenus are
positioned relative to their parent item. Hence, if you alter the
height of the top level items by changing the link padding then you
need to calculate this "top" property like this:

(anchor top padding) + (line-height of link text) + (anchor bottom
padding) = submenu top propery

So by default, the result is 2.5em as shown here:

.75em + 1em + .75em = 2.5em

Hope this helps.

Joel Birch.

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