That doesn't help much in this case, as currently there is no way to
pass that data to the remote method and from there to the serverside.

A possible workaround maybe the ajaxSend event:
You can use that to add additional data to be sent to the server.
Something like this:

$().ajaxSend(function(e, xml, settings) {
  $.extend(, { field2: $("#field2").val() });


On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 7:42 AM, ryanstreet
> Thank you very much for the assistance.  I will give it a shot.
> On Sep 9, 5:41 pm, Xinhao Zheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> hiryanstreet,
>>     You can use $.('xxx').serialize() to collect all the input element
>> into an array,or else you may try json,like
>> json = '{
>>     "a": "{\"p\":\"cc\",\"m\":\"aa\",\"s\":\"bb\"}",
>>     "b": 2,
>>     "c": 3,
>>     "d": 4,
>>     "e": 5
>> }';
>> $.post(url,
>>             {data:json},
>>             function() { //xxx});
>> hth,
>> George
>> On Sep 10, 5:14 am,ryanstreet<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > Does anyone know of a way to pass multiple form fields into one remote
>> > call in the validate script in Jquery?
>> > Any help appreciated.
>> > rules: {
>> >                         Field1: {
>> >                               required: true,
>> >                              remote: "/path/to/script.php"
>> >                         }...

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