Wondering if someone can help track an issue. I'm using validate 1.1 with
JQuery 1.2.3 (can't upgrade at this time). I have a simple login form, and
trying to validate that the fields aren't empty prior to submit. Working
great in Firefox, but IE doing nothing, and not throwing an error:

            var errContainer = $('#msgContainer');
            var v = $(this).validate({
                errorContainer: errContainer,
                errorLabelContainer: $("ul",errContainer),
                rules: {
                    username: "required",
                    password: "required"
                messages: {
                    username: 'You must enter a Username',
                    password: 'You must enter a Password'
                wrapper: 'li'

                return true;
                return false;

Anyone have any ideas?

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
The Past is a Memory
The Future a Dream
But Today is a Gift
That's why they call it
The Present

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