var myCategory;

If (eating cheese)
    myCategory = data.cheese;
If (eating bread)
    myCategory = data.bread;
$.each(myCategory, function(i, item)
            { do a ton of stuff

Another option is to use eval(), but that command is evil. :)

myType = "cheese";
eval("myCategory = data." + myType + ";"); // untested
$.each(myCategory, function(i, item)
            { do a ton of stuff

On Sep 11, 1:10 pm, cbandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi - I have a function which iterates through a json file in order to
> build an FAQ page. Within the json are several different categories,
> and I want to make a generic function that will return only the
> appropriate items from the chosen category.
> Currently it looks like this:
>         $.getJSON("faq_json.js", function(data)
>         {
>           $.each(data.cheese, function(i, item)
>             { do a ton of stuff
>     }
> But let's say I want to display stuff that isn't in data.cheese - like
> the stuff from data.meat or data.bread - currently I would need to
> hardcode those in.
> What I had hoped to do was this:
> var myCategory = "cheese";
> $.each(data.myCategory, function(i, item)
>             { do a ton of stuff
>     }
> But that doesn't work. I'm sure there's a simple fix, but I have no
> idea where to look... (Yeah, I'm a n3wB ;) thanks for your patience!)

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