It looks like you have a rogue parenthesis to me - 
$.post($(this).attr("href")) - the last closing parenthesis completes 
the $.post call, so your callback function will not fire.

on 11/09/2008 21:49 Tom Shafer said::
> i am trying to use data i am getting back from $.post but I am not
> able to get the function with the data in it to work
> $("a.rater").click(function(event)
>       {
>               $.post($(this).attr("href")),
>                       function(data)
>                       {
>                  update = data.split('|');
>                 $('#'update[0]).replaceWith(update[1]);
>                       };
>               return false;
>       }
> );
> i also tried
> $("a.rater").click(function(event)
>       {
>               $.post($(this).attr("href")),
>                       function(data)
>                       {
>                 alert(+data);
>                       };
>               return false;
>       }
> );
> any suggestions?

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