*Excellent - Sr. Actuate Consultant Available*


Please send your requirements to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]<http://us.mc464.mail.yahoo.com/mc/[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
call at 734-786-3867 for more details.



·         *Over 12 years of experience in Software Development Life
Cycleusing Analysis, Architecting (Design), Development, Documenting,
Testing of
various business applications including extensive experience in Web using
J2EE platform. Strong exposure in Financial Development Projects with American
Express, Citi Group and Times Group.*

* Almost 5 years experience in *

·         *Actuate 7-8, e-Reporting suite, Actuate e. Reporting Server,
Actuate e. Report Designer Professional, Actuate Basic, Report Viewer with
Oracle 9i, 10g, PL/SQL, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2 UDB (8.1,8.2).*

·         Wrote stored procedures to incorporate the business logic.
Optimised the queries for* t*he application for the batch processes and
extracting the MIS information.

·         *Eclipse BIRT (open source Business Intelligence & Reporting Tool)

*Over 4 years experience in all the phases o;   var sel_modelo = $('select#modelo_id');
> >   sel_modelo.empty();
> >   for (var i = 0; i < json.rs_modelo.length; i++)
> >      sel_modelo.append(new Option('text', 'value'));
> > Any hints?
> > Regards, Clodoaldo

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