> I have set up an example with ajaxForm and have it working fine with
> json. However, is there something specifically on the server side
> (php) I should do if I am wanting to pass html back?  I can't just use
> a bunch of echo lines can I? I don't get anything back when I do
> that.  I have to build a response into a variable and send that
> (careful not to have any " in there) back as jason.
> I can't seem to reproduce the server php code needed to reply back to
> the sample at :http://malsup.com/jquery/form/#code-samples

There is nothing special you need to do.  If your server returns text,
or html, then the client should be able to process that just fine.
And yes, you can just use php echos.  If you're still having trouble
then post a link to your page and we can help you work through it.


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