I have been using a menu system at work that is 10 times more
complicated than it needs to be.  Superfish does almost everything it
does and in some cases even more. So I'd like to get Superfish
implemented in my project.  I have some questions that I haven't been
able to find a quick fix to so any suggestions would be much

1)  In my horizontal navbar there are items.   Each drop-down menu has
its own colour scheme consisting of of 2 or 3 different colors.  I
can't find an easy way to implement this.

2) This menu/list is quite complex and deep as it is dynamically
generated by the server, so sometimes the menus can stretch too far to
the right.  What I would like to do is have the submenu have a little
bit of overlap on its parent.   I can do this but its buggy and for
the most part the parent covers up the child.

3) I would like to have no menu animation.  Boring maybe but it really
isn't necessary for my purposes

4) Ideally the menu would space evenly across the page.  My idea was
to do this with percentages but I haven't had any luck getting it to
stretch fully across the div its in.  There is always a little space
left at the right end, or one menu item ends up on the next line.

Thanks for any input you can provide!



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