Hi Kevin,

I did this on one of the website I maintain: 
and also, the navigation menu is in the includes.

To further complicate things, I use page.php?id=<pageID> to load each
page, so I'm not even pulling seperate pages.  Also, not always is
page.php used...for example the contact pages.

So, the method I came up with (and you can view the source code to get
a better understanding of this) is I created an IF/Then checking
mechnasm to get the proper section of the menu to display.

1, get the url
2, if there are paramaters, what are they.

If paramater = 1 then open section Main, if 15 then open section Misc
-- for example.

Where there is no paramater, if page = contact.php then open section

Click the link and view the source...you will get the idea.

On Sep 16, 11:27 am, KEVIN EVANS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working on a site where I am using the Accordion script 
> fromhttp://docs.jquery.com/UI/Accordion
>   on the left navigation.
> You have an option to keep a section open by default....but I need to  
> change which button is opened depending on which section you are in,  
> and I have that accordion menu in a include so I dont see how you can  
> do it.
> The one that is open by default has a class of opener.
> Any ideas?
> Kevin

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