New release 0.9.4 is available featuring Ajax, Events, WebBrowser
plugin and client-side jQuery bindings.

Check out release notes for more information:

On Jul 29, 1:51 pm, Tobiasz Cudnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to introduce youphpQuery- jQuery port to 
> PHP.
> There was one topic mentioning about it, but it is one year old and i
> decided to start a new one.
> phpQueryimplements following portions of jQuery API:
>    1. Selectors
>    2. Attributes
>    3. Traversing
>    4. Manipulation
> Today library seems to be quite stable, there is couple of test cases,
> but massive public tests would be very appreciated.
> License is MIT, like jQuery.
> Latest release download (as for 
> today):
> SVN checkout for latest releases:
> svn checkout
> Here's some showoff snippet:
> <?php
> // just one file to include
> require('phpQuery/phpQuery.php');
> // intialize new DOM from 
> markupphpQuery::newDocument('<div>mydiv<ul><li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li></
> ul></div>')
>         ->find('ul > li')
>                 ->addClass('my-new-class')
>                 ->filter(':last')
>                         ->addClass('last-li');
> // query all unordered lists in last used DOM
> pq('ul')->insertAfter('div');
> // iterate all LIs from last used DOM
> foreach(pq('li') as $li) {
>         // iteration returns plain DOM nodes, notphpQueryobjects
>         pq($li)->addClass('my-second-new-class');
> }
> // same as pq('anything')->htmlOuter() but on document root (returns
> doctype etc)
> printphpQuery::getDocument();
> ?>
> Hope you will like it :)

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