I'm completely new to this group, because I've only just discovered
it, so please forgive me for being a novice.

I'm totally baffled by dates - I work in an office that runs an
intranet which occasionally needs some kind of js to calculate things.
I've pretty much got my head round doing basic calculations to display
results depending on the user's input, but I am totally baffled by how
js works with dates, please forgive me again if the term js for Java
Script is offensive, if so, can someone let me know the acceptable

The problem I'm stuck on is...

I need to create a form which the user enters a date and the js
displays the fourth Saturday after that date.

Most of the date calculators I've created in the past, such as setting
today's date or any other starting point, and displaying dates in the
future or the past, have been borrowed, and then manipulated by me,
are from other authors, which have been given freely by them. Which
I'm grateful for.

So I really hope someone out there can help me.

I'd like to say thanks for all the free help you experts give freely
to people like me, both on groups like this, forums, and your own
websites, because I for one have have learned so much from your
examples, help and advice.



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