Hi everyone,
   I am very new to superfish, and I am using superfish 1.4.8's navbar

I have 3 levels of menu items and in the 1st level menu I have 11
items and when my browser is maximized to the full resolution (my
screen resolution is 1400x900 and my text size is medium in both
Firefox and IE6) all of the items are shown in one single line without
wrapping into next line. In one of the 2nd level menu I have 10 items
in it and it uses only half the width (or so) of the 1st level menu
instead of 100%, and it wraps all the 2nd level menu items in multiple
lines, say into 3 lines. So when you are hovering over the 2nd level
menu items in line 1, all the 3rd level menu items related to it are
showing beneath the other 2 lines from the 2nd level (This works fine
in Firefox).

1) When the browser (Firefox and IE6) is minimized to say 1280x800
pixel width and height, then some of the 1st level menu items at the
end are hidden and it doesn't wrap to next line
2) How to make the second level menu to utilize the full width of the
1st level menu (for Firefox I added width: 100% to .sf-navbar > li >
ul  and it worked fine) but didn't work for IE6
3) In IE6 how to show the 3rd level menu items over the multiple lines
of 2nd level menu items

Please let me know if I am missing something totally.


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