The easy option is if you could define what the maximum number of
addresses you can enter. For this you would not need javascript. CGI
(for example perl) would be sufficient. You would create a table of
input elements where each row represents an address.
If not it is a little complicated. You have to make a table with one
input row. Then when clicking on a button you have to add another row
in the table with input fields (with the append function).

Anyway on the server side you would get them in input fields (cgi-
>param). Afterwards you could push them into a hash.
This is a general answer.
Hope it helps,

On Sep 21, 10:58 pm, johnmiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello,
> right upfront, please let me apologize for my ignorance. i'm a server
> dude and got stuck with some front end work and obviously too stupid
> not only to figure it out but even to formulate the question. hence,
> let me give my "need" statement:
> i need an input form that gathers user info including one or more
> addresses. on top of it, i need to return these inputs in a hash table
> -like structure, e.g. {'username':'joe', ...{'street':"some lane',
> 'city':'some town', ...}, {'street':'dad's place', 'city':'boring
> village', ...}, ..., 'dob':'02/02/1985', ...}.
> as i said, i don;t even know what i need to type into google to find
> what i'm looking for. so any help, search terms, etc. are massively
> appreciated.
> many thanks,
> johnny

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