If I understand your question correctly, you should be able to do it
by Traversing the DOM.

So, let's say that the HTML is like this:

<div class='one_record'>
  <p>Lorem ipsum...</p>
  <a class='hide_show_link' href='#'>Hide/Show extra info</a>

  <div class='starts_hidden'>
     Show this when the link is clicked.

So your CSS would probably have something like:
.starts_hidden { display: none; }

Now, this *wouldn't* work:
$( function () {
  $('.hide_show_link').click( function () {

Because clicking on a hide_show_link will toggle ALL of the things of
class 'starts_hidden'.

You probably want to do something like this:
$( function () {
   // DOM is ready:
   $('.hide_show_link').click( function () {
      // in here, 'this' refers to the particular link we're
     $(this).next().toggle();  // start at the current link, find the
next element in the DOM, and toggle it.

The reason this works is because each link hide shows the Next div in
the DOM.  If your HTML is different, then the code between $(this)
and .toggle() will be different.  See: http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing
for the functions that will help you here.


On Sep 20, 10:40 am, Bob O <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Im am a CSS guy moving into the world of js and RoR, so its nice to
> find things like jQuery and supporting groups. I am a n00b, so the
> more english the response the better....
> Question:
> I have a rails partial that cycles a :collection. So every record in
> the db table receives the same HTML/CSS structure. There is a hidden
> div with extra info, that expands when the exposed div is clicked. the
> problem is ALL of the displayed :collections reveal/hide the extra
> content at the same time. where the HTML/CSS is dynamically generated,
> im not sure how to have it differentiate between each item.
> I have seen in the Learning jQuery book that there is a way to loop
> and add an index, and also some kind of append feature, but Im not
> quite versed enough to understand if this is what i need.
> any help would be great..
> Thank you

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