Code samples would be really helpful here.

I'm assuming that you've already attached a function to the Click
event on Button B?
$('.buttonB').click( ...some function to attach...);
Because, unless you've done that, then running .click() isn't going to
have much effect.

Can you explain your reason for using $(  in this
case?  I'm a bit confused as to how you're using it, and what effect
that might have on the click() binding.

Also, if you don't have Firebug installed yet, I'd recommend it so you
can do things like:
console.log(  $( )
It can be helpful to find out what JS thinks a certain variable is set

I'll try to be more helpful if you can provide more info. :-)


On Sep 22, 4:24 pm, light-blue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a Jquery newbie, so if this answer is available somewhere, please
> let me know.
> My user needs to click button B, which processes some info with AJAX
> (working great), and then needs to programmatically click button A,
> which itself runs an AJAX request. Button B works fine, but when it
> tries $('a.buttonA').click() the code in button A doesn't run. I
> suspect this is because I'm using $('a.buttonB'),
> resulting in no binding for click() to run. Can anyone confirm? Any
> suggestions to fix this?
> Thanks!

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