I ran into the same thing.  Livequery will be your savior.


On Sep 22, 4:02 pm, yanbozey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a problem that I can solve with callbacks, but I dont know if
> there is another way to do this......
> Lets say that I have this HTML....
> <div id="parent">
>     <p>This is the first string</p>
> </div>
> If i specify...
> $("#parent p").hover(function(){
>             $(this).addClass("blue");
>         }, function(){
>             $(this).removeClass("blue");
> });
> The paragraph in the div will turn to blue when I hover over it
> (assuming that this is what .blue does, whatever).
> Now here is my question, lets say I have a HTML doc called
> "somepage.html" and all it has in it is...
>      <p>This is the second paragraph</p>
> if I add the code...
> $.get("somepage.html", function(data){
>      $("#parent").append(data);
> });
> ....it will add the paragraph to the div, but this paragraph WILL NOT
> have the hover event applied to it. I need to add the JQuery AGAIN in
> the $.get() callback to get the second paragraph to change color when
> the mouse hovers over it.
> Is there someway that I can apply the JQuery to the appended HTML
> without having to recall the function?
> Thanks

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