You can replace .css({display:'block'}) with .show() and
.css({display:'none'}) with .hide().

Using document.location.hash.chartAt(1) will cut off any id with more
then one character, removing charAt(1) should make that much more


On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:27 AM, hcvitto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> i wrote my first (pretty useless:) plugin but i'm not sure what to
> think about it, it just looks like it has "too much words"!!
> Here's the plugin code (it's to make a glossary)
> (function($){
>        $.fn.glossario = function(options){
>                                        var defaults = {
>                                                stile: 'mark'
>                                        };
>                                        var options = $.extend(defaults, 
> options);
>                                        var classe = options.stile;
>                                        var hash;
>                                        if (document.location.hash)
>                                                var hash = 
> (document.location.hash).charAt(1);
>                                        return this.each(function() {
>                                                var obj = $(this);
>                                                var anchors = 
> obj.children("a");
> obj.children('dl').css({display:'none'});
>                                                if (hash) {
> obj.children('a[href=#' + hash + ']').addClass(classe);
>                                                        obj.children('dl[id=' 
> + hash + ']').css({display:'block'});
>                                                } else {
> obj.children('a:first').addClass(classe);
> obj.children('dl:first').css({display:'block'});
>                                                }
>                                      {
>                                                        var id = 
> $(this).attr('href').charAt(1);
>                                                        if 
> (!($(this).hasClass(classe))){
> anchors.removeClass(classe);
> $(this).addClass(classe);
> obj.children('dl').css({display:'none'}).end().children('dl[id=' + id
> + ']').fadeIn();
>                                                        }
>                                                        return false;
>                                                });
>                                        });
>                                };
> })(jQuery);
> $("#glossario").glossario();
> <div id="glossario"><a href="#a">A</a> <a href="#b">B</a>  ...  <span
> class="no_link">Z</span>
>        <dl id="a">
>          <dt>A word</dt>
>          <dd>A word meaning</dd>
>          <dt>A word</dt>
>          <dd>A word meaning</dd>
>        </dl>
>        <dl id="b">
>         <dt>B word</dt>
>          <dd>B word meaning</dd>
>          <dt>B word</dt>
>          <dd>B word meaning</dd>
>        </dl>
>        <dl id="c">
>          <dt>Bear market</dt>
>          <dd>Mercato orso, ossia ribassista.</dd>
>          <dt>Benchmark</dt>
>          <dd>Parametro di riferimento utilizzato per la valutazione
> dei risultati di un fondo o di una gestione.</dd>
>        </dl>
>        ...
>      </div>
> Any suggestion or feedback?
> Thanks Vitto

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