I am fairly new to jQuery so please keep that in mind....

I have a css 2 column layout with a left side menu.

| //////////  | //////////////////////////////////// |
|  menu  |        content area          |
| //////////  | //////////////////////////////////// |

On one of the pages there is a table for data that is dynamically
populated in the content area. Some times the table could be 500px
wide and other times it could be 5000px wide. Therefor the outer css
container, and browser, need to know the total page width.
The css 2 column layout falls down because it does not know how wide
to make things.

I was wondering if there was a way to use the dimensions plug in to
detirmine the width of the table, add the width of the left side (to
get the total width needed for the page) and inject that into the body
tag as width="".
This would tell the viewport that the page body is XXXpx wide,
allowing the css container to adjust and the browser window to provide
the horizontal scroll bar to allow users to slide over to view all the

Thank you for your time.

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