Give your <UL> tag an id 'menu', and replace your document.ready code 
with this:
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('ul#menu li a').each (function () {
        $(this).append ('<span class="hover"></span>');
        var $span = $('> span.hover', this).css('opacity', 0);
        $(this).hover (function () {
            $span.stop().fadeTo (500, 1);
        }, function () {
            $span.stop().fadeTo (500, 0);

Jim Davis wrote:
> I am adapting Greg-J's hover fade method 
> <> to a 
> navigation menu. Demo of my menu is here:
> If you view the source code you will see that I repeat the jQuery 
> function for each menu item. Since this nav menu will have about 10 
> items I want to change the script to use an array to minimize the 
> code. What needs to be changed to use an array?
> Jim

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