"what the best resource would be for on-the-fly question/answer sort
of thing: irc channel(s)?"

This isn't "operators are standing by"... groups/forums like this are
people, other users, helping out for the sake of helping out....  and
patience is a virtue...  making a post and expecting an immediate
answer, while it may happen sometimes, is totally unrealistic

" in general i'm a bit confused between innerHTML, .html(), .text():"

InnerHMTL is used to set the html of a DOM object

jQuery's .html and .text methods wrap around javascript's
functionality and are fully explained in the docs

"user enters a number, I need to capture and pass it to the value of
the input"

.val() could get the value and $.ajax could pass the value to where it
needs to go

"i'm using it within tablesorter, so the number needs to pass to the
value before validation"

The plugin tablesorter (http://tablesorter.com/docs/)?   validating
what before you pass where and what does it have to do with that
particular plugin?

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