Hi All,

I have a maddening issue that I cannot seem to get my head around.

I have written a form in which, if you select a certain radio button,
it will toggle additional fields. The code I've written is:

//form40 coapp yes/no toggle function
$(document).ready(function() {
      // hide on DOM load

     // shows co-app tr's on YES click
      $("input#COAPPYES").bind("click", function(e) {

     // hides co-app tr's on NO click
      $('input#COAPPNO').bind("click", function(e) {

For some reason that I cannot yet understand, this code only works on
Windows browsers (Firefox, Safari, IE, etc). Thinking that I may have
disabled JavaScript in the Mac browsers, I checked to ensure they were
enabled, and they were in both Firefox and Safari.

This is the second time in less than 12 hours I have seen this issue;
last night, I was working on a POC that only worked in Safari, Firefox
3.0 was behaving VERY oddly. In that case, deleting the jQuery
completely removed the HTML elements from the browser, which is
something that I have NEVER seen before.

Am I the only who is having this problem, or is there something here
that I have overlooked?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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