I keep seeing people talking about different ways to access the
document of an iframe. This method(after much hairpulling and testing)
works very well.


The .contents() method will automatically handle the browser
differences between contentWindow and contentDocument. It will give
you standard access to the iframe document no matter what browser.

Further, if there are particular non-jQuery things you want to do in
an iframe, its still a great way to do it. So for example, a problem I
have been working on for several weeks involves adding a script into
the iframe which itself calls another script for our forum
system(Jive) that displays a list of comments. As a sidenote, the
commenting system in Jive absolutely SUCKS. No caching, does
document.writes, etc. The forum bit is really nice, but the comment
system needs to be shot.

So I am loading an iframe into the dom, then writing the script that
loads the Jive comments into the iframe. When I was using the strict
jQuery methods:


It would write into the iframe, but it conflicted with some of the ads
we serve on our site. Jive's comment widget does a bunch of
document.write's into the document, and using the standard jQuery
method the comments were being added to the page at the first
occurrence of a script tag. Very, very wierd.

So, the way I found around that was to drop back into normal
javascript methods and came up with this:

        $('<iframe id="commentiframe" src="'+scriptvar+'"></

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