I actually *JUST* created enable & disable functions:

(function($)  {
         * Disables the matched form elements, and adds the <var>disabled</
var> class
         * to them.
         * @return jQuery The matched elements.
        $.fn.disable = function()  {
                $(this).each(function()  {
                        $(this).attr("disabled", true).addClass("disabled");
                });     // $(this).each()
                return $(this);
        };      // $.fn.disable()

         * Removes the <var>disabled</var> class from the matched form
elements, and
         * re-enables them.
         * @return jQuery The matched elements.
        $.fn.enable = function()  {
                $(this).each(function()  {
                        $(this).removeClass("disabled").attr("disabled", false);
                });     // $(this).each()
                return $(this);
        };      // $.fn.enable()



On Sep 26, 7:55 am, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I like jQuery much but I do not like the way the enabling, disabling
> elements is handled. This is a pretty common task and the current
> solution based on changing attributes is not in accord with jQuery’s
> “write less” philosophy.
> The enable() / disable() functions would be MUCH more elegant and in
> light with the jQuery gospel.
> Could this be included in the next release ?
> Best
> Martin

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