Give the validation plugin a try instead:

Just call $("#form1").validate(); and add a few classes to your form
elements, eg. class="required" for required fields, or "email" etc.
A list of available methods is here:


On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Geuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me learn the right way to do
> this. Its experimental for me at this point. Example code is at the
> bottom.
> So what I'm attempting to do is to do input form validation by loading
> a function which self-assembles an object that has its properties set
> as the ID names of the inputs in a given form. The values of those
> inputs are then assigned as the values of those properties. In this
> way, you can pull all of the data in a form at once and iterate
> through the object to do your data checks, validation, etc. Since the
> properties correspond to the ID names, its easy to dynamically
> manipulate the DOM based on the structure of the object.
> In my example code below, I have a version that works correctly but it
> is commented out. It is setup so that the properties are predefined,
> then sets their values. It works, but its not the more dynamic self
> assembling one that I want.
> The second function that is not commented out was my (poor) attempt at
> building a working one. Basically, given a form ID, we loop through
> all inputs in the form and retrieves their IDs and values. The problem
> I have is that I don't know how to create new properties for the
> "check" function based on the IDs of the inputs.
> Thank you!
> <script type="text/javascript">
>        $(document).ready(function(){
>                //standard method that works
>                //check = function(){
>                        //this.user = $('#user').attr('value');
>                        //this.pass = $('#pass').attr('value');
>                        // = $('#one').attr('value');
>                        //this.two = $('#two').attr('value');
>                //}
>                //attempted jquery version
>                check = function(){
>                        $('#form1 :input').each(function(obj){
>                                obj.$(this).attr('id') = $(this).attr('value');
>                        });
>                }
>                $('#clicker').click(function(){
>                        c = new check();
>                        alert( c.user+" | "+c.pass+" | "" | "+c.two );
>                });
>        });
> </script>
> <form id="form1">
>        <h4>user</h4>
>                <input type="input" id="user"/>
>        <h4>pass</h4>
>                <input type="input" id="pass"/>
>        <h4>one</h4>
>                <input type="input" id="one"/>
>        <h4>two</h4>
>                <input type="input" id="two"/>
> </form>
> <input type="button" id="clicker" value="Click"/>

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