Hi all. I have a need to create a form with remote content. Please look this

1) ajaxform loads table content
target: '#divResponse',
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data) {

2) divResponse is a table with every row haves a loadCountry class. If user
clicks in a row I'll want to load the second remote content for the single
$('.loadCountry').livequery('click', function(){ loadURL(this); });

3) loadURL
function loadURL(countryID)
var row = countryID;
$.get("getCountry.cfm", { u: row.id }, function(data){
var $contents = trim12( data );
$( '#' + row.id ).append( $contents );

My problem is: after first remote content is loaded(table with ajaxform) and
I click in a row Firebug display the remote call with success but
loadURL(second remote content call) remove that first remote content loaded.

What's wrong with this code?

Marco Antonio

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