I'm having a strange problem with a customised jCarousel I'm working

The carousel has 16 dynamically loaded items, 4 are visible and it
scrolls by 4. The prev/next buttons are custom and wrap is set to

Everything works fine until it gets to the 4th page of items, where it
will only scroll in 3 more items, making the last item from the 3rd
page become the first item of the 4th page leaving the very last item
still hidden until you click next - it will then scroll by 1 to
display the last item.

After this point, if you click next again it will wrap to the start as

I've tried logging the values of the carousel.first / carousel.last to
firebug with some inconsistent results.

When it first loads, carousel.first is set to 1 and carousel.last is
Click next and carousel.first becomes 5 and carousel.last becomes 8
(which I dont think is correct).
Click next again and carousel.first is now 9 and carousel.last is 12
(its acting like scroll option is set to 3).

Anyone come across something similar before?

My code:


        scroll: 4,
        visible: 4,
        wrap: 'both',
        buttonNextHTML: null, buttonPrevHTML: null, //dont build
buttons - we use custom ones
        animation: 1200,
        itemLoadCallback: {
          onBeforeAnimation: itemLoadCallback,
          onAfterAnimation: setPageBoxStyle // styling stuff


function itemLoadCallback(carousel, state) {
  if (state != 'init') {

  // next button
  $jQ('.carousel-next').bind('click', function() {
    return false;

  // previous button
  $jQ('.carousel-prev').bind('click', function() {
    return false;

  // remote dwr method with call back to get items

      function( releases ) {

            carousel.add(i, getItemHTML(this));



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