Great. That is what I thought and was hoping for.
Thank you for the info


On Oct 1, 7:00 pm, Mike Alsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I make a query, say using a class selector.
> > I will get a jquery object back.
> > I can iterate over that object using each().
> > Is there a guaranteed order that the elements in this object will be exposed
> > in the each loop?
> > If so, what is it?
> > I have looked around and I can't seem to find this documented anywhere. If
> > this is address somewhere, sorry.
> > Thanks
> > -Geoff
> If it's a simple selector, like ".myClass", then the order of the
> elements will match the order in which they appear in the DOM.  If it
> is a compound selector, like ".classOne, .classTwo" then your each
> loop would iterate all the .classOne elements first (in their DOM
> order) and then the .classTwo elements.
> Mike

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