
First of all, thank you for reading my post. I have been trying to
resolve this issue for the past 2 weeks trying different things. Let
me get right into my problem, but before explaining the problem, let
me share my objective and then go on from there.

Test Link: http://thedailysavings.com/beta/test11.php

Objective: Display a lightbox style box containing a registration
form. This form must validate all fields in real time using AJAX.
There will be other forms on the page as well such as login form or
contact us form.

What am I using: PHP, Jquery, Jquery form validation plugin (http://
bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/), simpleModal
lightbox (http://www.ericmmartin.com/projects/simplemodal/).

Issue: After many hours of pulling my hair out, I have been able to
pinpoint the cause of my problems with this registration form. Here
goes: I am able to display the registration form inside the
simpleModal lightbox but there are still this issue left. See below
some test scenarios:

Scenario 1: Validation should happen at all times when using the
registration form.
a. Open the registration form by clicking on Register Now link. It
does validation the first time. TRY entering a wrong email address and
you will see proper validation. Now CLOSE the modalBox by clicking on
b. Open the registration form again by clicking on Register Now Link.
Try entering a wrong email address and you will notice that it does
NOT perform validation.

Scenario 2: Login form (Username & Password inputs) placement impacts
the validation of registration form such as:
a. If I move the login form above the registration form in the code,
the validation stops happening.
b. If I move the login form below the registration form (as it is
now), the validation works but only the first time.
c. If I remove the login form that has Username and Password as
inputs, validation works fine.

Like I mentioned earlier that I have spent way too much time on this
with not enough progress. Maybe because I am new to Jquery and
learning it the hard way. Also, please note that this is a stripped
down version to show only the registration form in action. I would
appreciate so much if you could PLEASE help me get out of this
situation and show me the light. Thank you so much

Best regards,

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