The problem is that other images on the page are slowing the page.  Is
there some way to get the stars to precede the other images in

On Oct 2, 5:56 am, Diego <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What browser did this happen with? (IE I'd guess).
> The star rating plugin only uses 2 separate (and very small) images
> which should load almost instantaneously. Once the image is loaded for
> one control, it should be immediately displayed for all other controls
> using the same image - not downloaded again.
> You could try pre-loading the image via javascript (Google it)
> On Sep 29, 5:06 pm, chadmichael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > First of all, thestarratingplugin is great.  I think I need some
> > help with my use of it perhaps.  I've got some performance issues
> > regarding the rendering of the page.
> > The problem is that when the page is waiting on some images to finish
> > loading, thejQueryhas already run and converted thestarrated
> > fields into checkboxes.  In my case, I'm using a split set so there
> > are 20 checkboxes, and the user sees these for several seconds while
> > the images of the page are loading.
> > Is there something I could do to help this?  I was thinking about
> > trying to hide the checkboxes until the images were done.

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