I am having troubles getting ajax content to work in an accordion. It
shows everything fully listed. Not sure what might be wrong... Here is
my code:

                           header: '.EventsInListHeader',
                           active: false,
                           alwaysOpen: false,
                           autoHeight: false

                        // This is for the Events section
                                        type: "GET", url: 
"xml/ConventionEvents.xml", dataType: "xml",
                                        success: function(xml) {
                                                        var EventName = 
                                                        var EventLoc = 
                                                        var EventDate = 
                                                        var EventLogo = 
                                                        var EventDesc = 
                                                        var EventRegLink = 
                                                        var EventMoreLink = $
                                                        var EventVidLink = 
                                                        var EventVendorLink = 

class="EventsInListHeader">'+EventName+' '+EventLoc+',
'+EventDate+'</div><div class="EventsInList" style="background-
image:url(/'+EventLogo+');"><span>'+EventDesc+'</span><a href="/
events/'+EventRegLink+'" rel="shadowbox;width=776;height=600"
class="EventsInListButtons">Register</a><a href="/
class="EventsInListButtons">Learn More</


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