I have been working with Brian Reindel's Truncate plug-in....trying to
get ti to do what I need.  It seems simple enough, but I continue to
struggle.  The plug-in is designed to truncate the html content within
a tag to a certain length...taking into consideration the whole last
word.  It works great...however I need to truncate a list item that
contains both text and a link; like so:

<li>This is the text that leads to: A link that needs to be

The function currently looks like this:

$('li a').truncate( {
                  length: 35,
                  minTrail: 10,
                  moreText: '',
                  lessText: '',
                  ellipsisText: "..."

But this obviously only takes care of the link...if the text behind it
is too long it will still push the truncated link down to the next
line...If I try to do the li it completely removes the link tag no
matter its length....and if I try to change the selector in the plugin
from $(this).html() to $(this).text() it removes the anchor tag
completely....though it works just fine.

Basically I need some way to keep my anchor tag in operation, yet take
the whole text contained within the li into consideration when
determining where to truncate.  Your help is much appreciated...Please
let me know if you have any questions to further clarify my problem.

btw...the Plugin is located here in case you'd like to see it or use
it yourself: http://www.reindel.com/truncate/

I attempted to have this message transferred over from Nabble...but
I'm not sure it's going to work.  So sorry if this appears twice.

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