
I have a site I've recently built that makes heavy use of jQuery. One
thing I've noticed since moving to the production server is that when
one of the website pages is open in a browser (Safari, IE, Firefox,
Camino, or Opera), the CPU usage spikes and continues to run high even
after the page is fully loaded.

For example, Firefox, with the site's homepage open, will use 40-50%
of my CPU (according to Activity Monitor on my Mac or Task Manager on
my PC). If I close the page (Firefox or other browser stays open with
other windows, etc.), the CPU usage returns to normal levels.

What I am wondering is if there is a good resource for me to explore
issues with jQuery and performance. I've tried Googling a series of
options but I cannot find anything useful.

I am sure this is because of how I coded something but am just not
sure how to go about deconstructing jQuery performance so I can find
the culprit or culprits! Interestingly, the CMS I built for this site
also uses a lot of jQuery but does not have the same problems at all.

Thank you,

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