For much of my app, I'm doing an Ajax hit to the server to grab XML.
That works great.

But, in some cases, I've got too many pieces of data (unrelated) that
I need to pull so I'm trying to do a simple passthrough from the
server side (I'm using ASP.Net). So, I'll either output from SQL
Server or hand-stitch some XML and write it to the page.

Whenever I do this passthrough (whether it comes from SQL Server or
from my own efforts), the XML doesn't get parsed by Jquery.

For example:

var sTestXML = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\r

var test = $(sTestXML);


will result in the alert showing zero.

Now, if I lower case some of the tags (and this will vary from XML doc
to XML doc but usually it's the root and object-level tags), it'll
work. What's going on here?

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