The multipart-way is currently the recommended approach, but its far
from optimal. I recently got some input that would make this much
easier to use, but I don't yet have any working code.


On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 2:14 PM, dotcomtim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the validation plugin I am using rules and messages to validate a
> one form which is broken up into multiple steps within the one form.
> Similar to this script
> but altered to add custom rules and messages. Here is what I have so
> far.
> $(document).ready(function() {
>        var v = $('#form').validate({
>                errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
>                        error.appendTo(element.parent('div').next('div'));
>                },
>                rules: {
>                        // validate step one
>                        name: {
>                                required: true
>                        },
>                        company: {
>                                required: true
>                        },
>                        designation: {
>                                required: true
>                        },
>                        address: {
>                                required: true
>                        },
>                        city: {
>                                required: true
>                        },
>                        province: {
>                                required: true
>                        },
>                        postal: {
>                                required: true
>                        },
>                        phone: {
>                                required: true
>                        },
>                        // validate step two
>                        user_name: {
>                                required: true,
>                                minlength: 3,
>                                remote: 'get.php?do=checkName'
>                        },
>                        password: {
>                                minlength: 5
>                        },
>                        password_confirm: {
>                                minlength: 5,
>                                equalTo: '#password'
>                        }
>                },
>                messages: {
>                        name: {required: 'A first and last name is required.'},
>                        company: {required: 'A company name is required.'},
>                        designation: {required: 'A designation is required.'},
>                        address: {required: 'A mailing address is required.'},
>                        city: {required: 'A town or city is required.'},
>                        province: {required: 'A province is required.'},
>                        postal: {required: 'A postal code is required.'},
>                        phone: {required: 'A phone number is required.'},
>                        email: {required: 'A valid email address is 
> required.'},
>                        user_name: {required: 'A user name is required.', 
> minlength:
> jQuery.format('A user name should be greater than {0} characters.'),
> remote: jQuery.format('The user name {0} is already taken.')},
>                        password: {rangelength: jQuery.format('Enter at least 
> {0}
> characters.')},
>                        password_confirm: {minlength: jQuery.format('Enter at 
> least {0}
> characters.'), equalTo: 'Enter the same password as above.'}
>                }
>        });
>        $("#step2 .prevbttn").click(function(){
>                $("#step2").hide();
>                $("#step1").fadeIn("fast");
>        });
>        $("#step3 .prevbttn").click(function(){
>                $("#step3").hide();
>                $("#step2").fadeIn("fast");
>        });
>        $(".open2").click(function() {
>                if (v.form()) {
>                        $("#step2").hide();
>                        $("#step3").fadeIn("fast");
>                }
>        });
>        $(".open1").click(function() {
>                if (v.form()) {
>                        $("#step1").hide();
>                        $("#step2").fadeIn("fast");
>                }
>        });
> });
> In step one div I have all the step one fields <div id="step1">step
> one fields</div>
> In step two div I have all the step two fields <div id="step2">step
> two fields</div>
> I if I was to use this without the steps everything works perfect,
> with the steps in validates step and even though step two is hidden it
> still wants to validate it as well.
> Is it possible to validate one form in mulitple sections? I tried the
> remove funtion, I tried altering the multipart script but it seems it
> works based on the accordian plugin and error messages not being
> incorparated like I have above.
> Can we when click on a button <input type="button" name="formNext1"
> id="formNext1" value="Next" class="open1 formbttn" /> only validate a
> section. <input type="button" name="formNext2" id="formNext2"
> value="Next" class="open2 formbttn" /> validate another section?

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