Hi Everyone,

I came across jqDnR (Minimalistic Drag'n'Resize for jQuery) just the
other day, but found it only included a SE resize option and no
limitations on size. So I decided to add this support myself.

Included in this post is the min version (1.48kB), and the expanded/
dev version (2.32kB).

You can find the original version plus some basic usage examples on
the Official jqDnR page (http://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqDnR/).

Please disregard the resize examples on that page if you decide to use
the version in this post.

==Resizing examples==
// Assign '.handle' to resize '#box' in the 'se' direction

// Assign '.handle' to resize '#box' in the 'w' direction

// Assign '.handle' to resize '#box' in the 'nw' direction with a
minimum width of '100' and a minimum height of '200'

-You may create as many handles and directions as you need.
-The direction must be included.
-Possible directions: (n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw)

Please be aware that I am not the original developer of jqDnR and this
is not an official release. The original author is Brice Burgess
(http://www.iceburg.net) and deserves full credit for jqDnR in its

Full/Developer Version (2.32kB)
Minimized Version (1.48kB)

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