By clickable do you mean a hyperlink? If so, then I'd guess that your
dragging the image out of the link.

<a href=""><img .../></a>


<a href=""></a>

<img .../>

So drag the a instead. This should still have the image inside.

Just guessing mind, not had much experience with this myself.


On Oct 4, 7:55 pm, Ed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using the JQuery UI .draggable() function as shown below.
> The problem with the below code is that once an image is dragged, it
> is no longer a clickable link.
> $(".linked_img").draggable({
> helper: 'original',
> revert: 'invalid',
> start: function(){
>         $(this).click(function(){return false;});},
> stop: function(){
>         $(this).click(function(){return true;});
> }
> });
> My goals are
> 1. Drag linked images (without going to the linked page).
> 2. If an image is dragged, it should remain clickable when dragging
> stops.
> Any idea how to make it work?

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