Browser caching works with this technique, exactly as it does with a
<script> tag.
A good way to verify this is with the outstanding Fiddler HTTP debugging
proxy (Windows only, but if you don't use Windows, this is the "killer app"
for a Windows VM under VMware):


From: Web Specialist

Using this approach is possible to allow js file cache? Or in every page
that js file needs to load again?

Marco Antonio

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Michael Geary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, you can do that. I'll bet the reason you're getting $ undefined is that
you're trying to reference it immediately after running that code. The
dynamic script element loads asynchronously, and as with all asynchronous
JavaScript, you need to either use a completion callback function or a
setInterval polling loop. The callback is a much better way to go.

I don't think jQuery provides this "out of the box", but it's easy to add to
your own copy of jQuery. Simply add a line like this at the very end of the

   window.jQueryLoaded && jQueryLoaded();

And define a jQueryLoaded function in your code:

   function jQueryLoaded() {
       $(function() {
           // go to town here!

Here's a working test case:


> From: jQuery(new).to(me)

> Hello,
> I am trying to load jQuery from Javascript like the following code.
> == code ==
> if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined' || !jQuery) {
>       var s = document.createElement('script');
>       s.setAttribute('type','text/javascript');
>       s.setAttribute('src','http://localhost/jquery-latest.min.js'
<http://localhost/jquery-latest.min.js%27> );
>       document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);
> }
> == end of code ==
> However, then this code is included, "jquery-latest.min.js"
> is included, but the page shows javascript error, "$ is not defined."
> Any tips to solve this problem??
> Thanks bunch in advance!

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