What about using a regular expression match/replace? Seems like an  
obvious candidate.

On 7 Oct 2008, at 04:38, skankster wrote:

> No one?
> On 2 Okt., 14:45, skankster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a div that contains simple text data with line breaks. I want
>> to append a mailto link to the email address but so far I have not
>> been able to select the email.
>> The container looks something like this:
>> <div id="myId">
>>         Username: Johnny<br />
>>         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> </div>
>> With the help of jQuery it should look like this:
>> <div id="myId">
>>         Username: Johnny<br />
>>         Email: <a href="mailto:";>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>
>> </div>
>> My first intention was to use a filter like:
>> $('#myId').contents().filter(':contains("@")');
>> but I found out that I couldn't apply it since the container had no
>> children. So I used a function first to wrap the elements into span
>> tags and then applied 'find':
>>   $.fn.orphans = function(){
>>         var ret = [];
>>         this.each(function(){$.each(this.childNodes, function() {if
>>                 (this.nodeType == 3 &! $.nodeName(this, "br") )  
>> ret.push(this)})});
>>         return $(ret);
>>    }
>>  $(document).ready(function() {
>>         $('#myId').orphans().wrap('<span/>');
>>         $('#myId').find(':contains("@")').wrap('<a href="mailto:"/ 
>> >');
>>  });
>> I'm still at a loss as to how to select just the email address  
>> without
>> the preceeding 'Email:' and am wondering if I'm not heading in a
>> totally wrong direction with the orphan wrapping function.
>> I gladly appreciate any assistance offered concerning this issue!

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