Ok I got this figured out.  maybe this can help anyone else looking
for a similiar solution.  bnased of the demo I can manipulate output
with the findValueCallback function.

$(document).ready(function() {

  function findValueCallback(event, data, formatted) {
         $("<li>").html( !data ? "No match!" : "Selected: " +

  $("#title_name").autocomplete("intra_autosearch.html", {
    width: 350,
        max: 50,
        cacheLength: 0,
        scroll: true,
        minChars: 4,
        minChars: 4,
    autoFill: false,
                mustMatch: false,
                matchContains: false,
        selectFirst: false,
        extraParams: { d: function(){return $
("[EMAIL PROTECTED]:checked").val();}}

  $(":text").result(findValueCallback).next().click(function() {

        $("#title_name").result(function(event, data, formatted) {
        if (data)

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