Hi there,

I was unsure of where to post this i have tried searching and it's not
been very productive so I am appealing to your knowledge...

I want to build a calendar (full not a date picker) that I can use to
view and edit my calendars on the web through a browser
( bit like google and the new yahoo calendars but since I want to add
some simple customizations I cant use these )

I wonder if anyone has built a calendar viewer for the web using only
php+jquery ?
(maybe could stand on the shoulders of giants and use this as a
building block)

very grateful for your knowledgeable responses !


John Jones

p.s. I would also like a simple address book but I think I can manage
that easily enough via jquery UI elements to look like apple address
book but if anyone knows of any prebuilt libs or projects(I am only
intrested in ) I am all ears !

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