Hi all,

I'm attempting to use jQuery to accomplish two things:

1) Remove the yellow background color that is automatically added by
google toolbar's autofill feature.
2) Use field highlighting during form validation

I know that you can use the following css to override the autofill

input[type='text'] { background: #FFFFFF !important; }

However, when I do this, I can't set the background color to red when
a field validation fails:

if(name == null || name == ""){
    $('#txtClinicName').css("background", "red !important");   ****
This doesn't do anything

I attempted removing the "!important" in my jQuery code, but that
didn't do the trick. I then decided to try removing the css and
overriding the color on .ready():

$(":text").css("background-color", "#FFFFFF !important");

This doesn't override the yellow.

Any ideas on how I might do this?

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