Remove that first script completely, and in your getJSON callback, add:



> From: prakash123
> I have an animated GIF load, till the DOM is loaded
> <!-- Page Uploading Progress bar Script -->
> <div id="loading" style="position:absolute; width:100%; text- 
> align:center; top:300px;"> Loading Tax Software ... Please 
> wait...<br> <img src="imgs/progress_bar.gif" border=0></div>
> <script>
>  var ld=(document.all);
>   var ns4=document.layers;
>  var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all;
>  var ie4=document.all;
>   if (ns4)
>       ld=document.loading;
>  else if (ns6)
>       ld=document.getElementById("loading").style;
>  else if (ie4)
>   function init()
>  {
>  if(ns4){ld.visibility="hidden";}
>  else if (ns6||ie4) ld.display="none";
>  }
>  </script>
> But i want the animated gif to continue till the JSON data is loaded.
> $(document).ready(function(){
>  jQuery.getJSON("scripts/data/country_data.js",function(jsonData) {
>  $.each(jsonData,function(key,object) {
>   $
> ("#foreign_country_info").addOption(object.Country_Code,object
> .Country);
>   $("#foreign_country_info [EMAIL PROTECTED]'select']").attr('selected',
> 'true');
> });
> Can someone help me with this?
> How do I continue to display the animated gif, till the json 
> completes loading?
> Thanks

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