Hi, Could you post a test page? If there is no JS error and the generated
HTML looks ok then it's more likely a PHP bug you're experiencing.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 12:10 AM, papercode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Inside myForm i have myTable.  myTable contains 3 text input fields:
> name="ip[]"
> name="mac[]"
> name="netmask[]"
> When a user clicks "add new" i clone myTable and append it to another
> table inside myForm. Firebug sees no error in the generated html node,
> yet when i press submit, the new fields don't get passed to PHP
> $_POST['ip'] is a one-value array. So are mac and netmask.
> Basicly, the new input elements seem to get ignored somehow.
> I also checked whether the new fields are inside or outside the form
> and they are definitely inside. Here's the clone code:
> var js_new_ip = $('#ip_template').clone();
>    js_new_ip.attr('id', '');
>    js_new_ip.appendTo('#ip_holder');
>    js_new_ip.contents().find("[name='ip[]']").val('');
>    js_new_ip.contents().find("[name='mac[]']").val('');
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks

Ca-Phun Ung
+ http://yelotofu.com
+ css, django, hongkong, html, javascript, php

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